Chicago Semi-Truck Accident Attorneys

Chicago Semi-Truck Accident Attorneys

Seeking justice and compensation following a semi-truck accident can be intimidating. Oftentimes there may be more than one responsible party; plus, large trucking companies likely have their own legal representation and commercial insurance policies already in place.

The legal team at Abdallah Law is ready to assist you in obtaining compensation for any injuries and damages you endured due to a semi-truck accident. We are equipped to take legal action against large corporate entities and other powerful defendants.

Semi-Truck Accident Basics

Driver Fatigue Among Commercial Drivers

With pressure to drive beyond legal drive times, commercial truck drivers are often at risk for driver fatigue. According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), driver fatigue can:

  • reduce the driver’s ability to pay attention to the road

  • slows the driver’s reaction and response time

  • impede the driver’s judgment and good decision-making abilities

Commercial drivers are to adhere to the guidelines set forth by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Association; which regulates the amount of time that drivers can legally be behind the wheel.

Even with these commercial policies in place, there were more than 12,000 semi-truck involved crashes in Illinois in 2021 according to the Illinois Department of Transportation.

Potential Injuries From Semi-Truck Accidents

Due to their sheer size, semi-truck accidents can produce serious, life change injuries, including:

  • traumatic brain injuries

  • spinal cord injuries

  • loss of bodily functions

  • amputation

  • disfigurement

Liability In A Semi-Truck Accident

There May Be Many Parties Liable In A Semi-Truck Accident Claim

A semi-truck accident may have quite a few insurance companies involved in your claim. A few parties that may be involved are:

  • the driver of the semi-truck

  • the owner of the semi-truck

  • the company that loaded the semi-truck

  • the company that serviced the truck

  • the manufacturers who supplied the current parts for the truck

  • the local municipality responsible for the roads where the accident occurred

Compensation Factors

When filing a claim, there are a few different factors that may affect compensation, including but not limited to:

  • extent and severity of your injury

  • disabilities, both temporary and permanent

  • loss of bodily functions

  • state negligence laws

  • insurance coverage and policies

  • value of damages

Damages In A Semi-Truck Accident

Types Of Damages You Can Recover From A Semi-Truck Accident

Damages for a semi-truck accident may include but are not limited to :

  • medical treatment, rehabilitation, and follow up care

  • lost wages and diminished earning capacity

  • loss of companionship or consortium

  • pain, suffering, and emotional trauma

Get In Touch

If you were injured in a semi-truck accident, contact the attorneys at Abdallah Law as soon as possible.

Call and Speak to a Personal Injury Attorney today.