Auto Injury

Chicago Auto Injury Attorneys 

Regardless of your role in the accident, what you do at the scene of an accident, and the days following, can affect you for years to come. From lifelong medical needs, to car repair bills and fees; you need strong legal representation to fight for you during this time.

Though no amount of money can undo the physical and emotional injuries caused by a car accident, it can assist in easing some of the financial strains and pain that comes with such a traumatic event. The legal team at Abdallah Law is ready to help you file your accident claim, and recover compensation owed to you.

Determining Fault In A Car Accident

How Fault Is Determined In A Car Accident

The first step in claiming compensation is establishing who is responsible for the accident. Evidence is essential in determining the liability of the at-fault driver and ensuring that you receive fair compensation for your losses.

Sources of evidence can include:

  • a police report of the accident
  • photos of the accident scene
  • medical bills related to the accident

What If I’m Partially At Fault For My Car Accident?

Modified Comparative Negligence
If you were found partially at fault for your accident, it may be possible for you to still recover damages.

In Illinois, a scale of modified comparative negligence is used to determine the amount of compensation you can seek after an accident. As long as you are found to be no more than 50% at fault for your injuries, you can receive compensation for damages.

Car Accident Claims

What Is My Car Accident Claim Worth?

While it varies case by case, the amount of a personal injury claim after an accident can be based on:

  • Economic damages
  • Non-economic damages
  • Punitive damages

How Long Do I Have To File A Claim After My Car Accident In Illinois?

Personal Injury
In Illinois, you have up to two-years to file a personal injury lawsuit. This period begins on the date of the accident, also known as the accrual date.

Wrongful Death
In Illinois you must file a claim within two years from the date of death.

If you are filing a lawsuit against a local municipality or government agency in Illinois, you have within one year from the date of the car accident to file.

Why Do I Need A Personal Injury Lawyer If Both Drivers Involved Have Insurance?

Time and again, accident victims recover more in damages when they are represented by an attorney than when they attempt to settle with an auto insurance company on their own. Insurance companies have little to no incentive to pay the victims of a car accident the maximum amount of compensation rightfully owed to them.

The team of experienced attorneys at Abdallah Law are familiar with the many tactics that the insurance companies use in order to deny you of your rightful compensation. Your case has value; and our proven track record as trial attorneys ensures that we know exactly what legal steps to take in the event that they deny your claim.

Get In Touch

If you were involved in a car accident, contact the personal injury attorneys at Abdallah Law today.